Monday, January 13, 2014
Depend on You
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Product Downsizing Downer
Do companies really think that when they downsize a product, that no one will notice, or be happy that they did? Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers. They have been the same since I was a kid. In 2008, the box was the same size, but they started putting fewer crackers in the box, the next year the crackers got narrower. They still have the perforation down the center for easy breaking in half, I don’t know why they left that there, as they are so narrow now, there is no point in having the break point anymore. How long do companies like this think that this business practice can go on? Eventually there will be an empty box, no crackers. I ask companies to just “be a man about it”, and raise the price if you need to, and stop this non-sense. Andy’s Candies years ago started putting in a cardboard filler, which you couldn’t see until you took the wrapper off, to make it look like a lot of candy pieces inside, only for the consumer to be skunked when they opened it. Bounty Paper towels used to be large rolls, then they continually got smaller. Then they came out with Bounty Mega Roll, wow! It was the same size it was originally before they downsized it. Lay's chips regular bags are now not much larger than the "big grab" bags you find at the checkout counter. Now we have Hershey's Air Delights, the only delight is at the accountant's office at Hershey's. If there is a better way to make a customer feel ripped off, I‘d like to know what it is. These techniques are not fooling me, how about you?
Friday, February 3, 2012
What, I have to drive the car?
Texting while driving is in the news a lot lately as some states have passed laws against the practice. How about a law to just drive the car non-distracted. This would include everything, and all devices. Every ones job is to drive the car, paying attention to the road and what is going on around them. I've seen a guy twice texting on my way to work, driving all over the road, crossing marked lanes, almost hitting the curb; and I'm talking within 2 inches! I'll post an update when I see him again doing this, or someone else, as I'm going to call 911, and report that person as drunk driving. Maybe when these dangerous people get pulled over for that, maybe they will stop doing it. Don't tell the 911 operator they are texting, even if you know they are; just say they are all over the road, a danger to everyone else, you think they may be drunk. Follow at a distance until police intercept. It's one way we can take action., and maybe safe a life. There is nothing that important anyone needs to text, or call, that can't wait until you get where you are going. If it is important, just pull over somewhere (and not in the breakdown lane on a highway), and do what you need to do. If you think it's that important you need to drive and text/call someone, and you get killed, it's not helping anyone, is it? One campaign in our area is W82TXT (Wait to Text), it's a great message, but needs to cover more then just texting.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Captain and corporate responsibility
A have a question I have not seen raised on the cruise line disaster of the Costa Concordia when it ran aground January 13, 2012 off the coast of the Tuscan island of Giglio. Although the executives of the cruise line have said the captain was on an unauthorized route; it appears from local villagers that these ships have done this repeatedly in the past. With that said, I would think all of these large ships would have a GPS and tracking type devices, so operations at corporate would know where these ships are at all times. Wouldn't you think that after all this time, with these ships navigating an unauthorized route, that someone would have said, that is an unauthorized route, do not do that anymore. So before total blame is put on the captain, what about those who supervise the captains, and their actions on a daily basis. Hopefully this will come out in court and hearings. Trucking and delivery companies have tracking systems, and have done so for around 10 years. I would find it hard to believe these large ships, with so many people on them, would not have this technology.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Quote of the Day
The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. -Albert Einstein
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
System is So Yesterday
It's time the two party system went the way of the Dodo bird. People in these parties seem only to care on issues that helps each parties agenda. We need just people who get the job done, and do whats best for the country, and it's people. Donald Trump wants this country to be great again, and he's right, it's not great now. The United States is reaching the boiling point, then it will just be steam that can't be contained. We can't wait any longer for change, we must stop the bickering, and solve problems in a more business like manor. To be very candid, let's look at the logo's of the two major parties. The donkey, does it's job tirelessly, keeps going, pulling it's workload. The elephant, very smart, in fact, smarter than we may give credit for, and very emotional animal, who understands family values, life and death. These traits are just the head, the other end is just an ass; both big, unappealing, and useless; and this is how our politicians act in general. We need a hybrid, let put the two head together, and all the traits will come together as one, with new ideas and solutions. I'm tired of this political nonsense that gets us nowhere; how about you?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Elect The Last
Want to change how our politicians run the government? It's time we change our politicians. For the next few elections, vote for the person on the bottom of the ticket, in each category. These people have the least amount of funds, and therefore will appreciate the dollar a whole lot more, and can not buy there way into office. What do you think? Support ETL, Elect The Last. No donation needed, just action on your part. Just a concept to think about.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Corporate America, will they ever learn?
The root of many corporate/company problems is this. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Clark Howard on CNN uses the phrase 'customer no-service'; and it’s sad but true. If you owned a company, or were in charge of it; think about how you would treat a customer, then think about how your under-paid customer service employees treat them, and I mean HOW THEY TREAT THEM, not how you THINK they treat them. If I had a company, just one person, I would be able to do what was needed for a customer. If I needed employee's to help, they are representing ME, and should be doing the same. How many times have you asked to see the manager, and the manager told you “there was nothing I could do", it's always out of their hands, the computer won't let them, blah blah blah. What happened to managers who could make decisions to keep a customer happy? If you are a CEO, President Etc, think about what I'm saying. Without customers, you've got nothing. If you have poor service, sell your company now; because you are just running into the ground anyway, why delay the inevitable. I see this time and time again; advertise like crazy to get more customers, but little effort to keep what customers you do have. Remember AOL sending floppy's/cd's, 1-2 per week. Home Depot can only grow by adding more stores, they don't retain customers because all the items they sell is junk and I have to return 50% of what I buy, customer service is helpful with the return, but I'm tired of making the trek back to return junk. Hence; we learn customer service is also selling a quality/lasting product. Example: I bought a $2 pair of work gloves, I know they were cheap, all I did was mow the lawn, holding the handle of the lawn mower, and they fell apart; this item could not even be a "glove" for 1 hour. Will executives ever learn, well, if they don't really know what's going on at the customer service end of the business, then answer will be no, they will never learn.
A new TV show called “Undercover Boss” on CBS aired 2/7/2010. When I first saw the commercial, I said to my wife, “Isn’t this what CEO’s etc, should be doing anyway”! This TV show demonstrated that a new corporate policy’s handed down from the top dog’s, had ill effects, or misinterpreted when it reached the end user and/or customer. New policies should never be implemented without input from all levels of the company, and follow up to see what effect it’s having on people.
Last Sunday’s paper’s automotive section had an article about a person who had an engine blow-out in a Kia. Kia did not help the customer, and cover the warranty. They said the problem was caused by a ‘road hazard’. Well the article was by “Click & Clack”, and national column, read by millions. Click & Clack said there is no way for a ‘road hazard’ foreign object to get past the air filter and ruin the engine; it had to have broken off a piece of metal inside the engine. Because this person received ‘Customer No-service’, millions of readers will probably think twice before buying a Kia vehicle.
If you are a CEO, COO or whatever, go undercover in your company, and if you can’t, hire me, and I will do it, and report back to you. You’ve got to know what’s going on at the bottom of the totem pole, if you want to be a better company. One of my previous supervisors, spend a ½ day in my cubical once per month; just to see how I worked, asked questions, listened to my issues and concerns. Then he made things better, and more efficient. Most employer’s let their employee’s go it alone, hand out new policies without regard. What happens is you have an employee who keeps their head down, and keeps quiet; afraid to speak out as it may construed as person who is a trouble maker. This is not good for the well being of any company.
Back near my hometown outside Boston. A furniture store called Jordan’s Furniture, did so well one year, the owners closed all locations, and flew ALL 1200 employee’s (full and part time) to Bermuda for the day When they sold the company, they shared the wealth will all employee’s. Henry Feuerstein owned a textile company called Malden Mills (maker of Polertec fleece). Fire broke out one night, and the place burned to the ground. He paid all those employees their regular pay, every week (at a cost of $1.5 million/week), for months until they could resume operations. Any people he could not keep on payroll, or did not need, he set up a program to help find them jobs, or re-train to work elsewhere. He will be remembered as a hero I’m sure, by all his employee’s and associates. I didn’t even know him, but tell his story often. Henry Feuerstein is a hero to me.
Remember, what your customer see’s or experiences, is what shapes your customers mind; and makes that decision to return to do business again, or not.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Another Question of the Day
The State promotes using cell phones while driving. When you drive down any highway today, you will eventually see a sign that says "Traffic Info dial 511". Many laws going into effect to stop distracted driving; yet they encourage it, hmmmmmm?
Questions of the day
Church & State: With all the rivalries going in in many towns and cities about religious icons and words on public/town/city property; think about this. Since all our government workers are workers of the state, maybe they should all work Christmas Day? Why is this a paid holiday? I don't want to see this happen, but think about this the next time you read about a person trying to get the "Ten Commandments" off the courthouse steps. Next it will be take the word "GOD" off our money.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Coupons, Good Business? Maybe not
I recently received another advertisement in my newspaper for Bed, Bath & Beyond, along with it was a coupon for $5 off any item. I decided to write to them and let them know why these coupons are so pointless, and they do not entice me to go there and shop. If you read the fine print on the coupon, I counted 40 brands for which the coupon could not be used at all. I immediately wondered how many SKU’s that this would multiply out to, probably thousands. I emailed to BB&B about it; I told them I would not even go to the store because I know I will inevitably pick out an item on the list. So rather than aggravate myself, I just stay home, I’ll get what I need at Walmart when I need it. I even said 1 brand was Dyson vacuums; I mean please…, they can’t take $5 off a $400 plus vacuum. Either have a sale or don’t have a sale. I thought any item, meant any! So I sent my little email, and got the usual robotic/scripted response that it has been forwarded. I’m sure it was forwarded to the suggestion box, or bathroom toilet, which are usually one in the same. This is why I stopped going to JC Penny many years ago, after getting the run-a-round on a coupon, so I left without making a purchase, and have never returned to their store again. I guess they never will learn. Coupons can save you a lot of money, usually on groceries. I purchased $150 in groceries at good prices to start with, and after coupons, reduced my bill to $94! Some coupons I just through away, because the brand name item with the coupon, is still more expensive than the store brand. I also checked out LensCrafters today, had a 50% off sale coupon. They were still over $100 dollars more that I can get them at BJ’s or Walmart. Do these company executives sit in meetings trying to figure out why people are not going to their stores to shop anymore? It doesn’t take a brain surgeon. Fool me once, bye!
A furniture store here called Haynes had an ad once on TV. “This weekend, we will sell $30 million dollars of inventory for $20 million dollars”. Can someone tell me what that even means to me? It sure will not be 30% off I can tell you that. We tried to by a Kingsdown brand mattress at Haynes years ago. We went there every week to see the price. TV ad came on one day, 40% off all mattresses including Kingsdown. When we got there, it was the same price it had been for the past month. It was 40% off some made up, or mfg. suggested retail price. As a consumer, I thought it would be 40% off the price I saw last week, when it was not on sale. I asked the salesperson, and he said the mattress was ‘for sale’, not ‘on sale’. Wow, this store has items ‘for sale’, what a concept! So we left, never to return.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Universal Health Care; it is to laugh?
It's said universal health care (UHC) will cost too much money. "If we can find money to kill people, we can find money to help people" (quote from the Micheal Moore film Sicko). I encourage every American to view the movie Sicko, by Michael Moore. I can't validate everything in it, nor can I say everything is the truth; but I can say it will make you to start asking questions. Why can't everyone get the care they need? I do agree with the film that we have been lied to, and told the wrong things when it comes to UHC. Yes these counties have more taxes, but you pay within your means, and received the care you need; FREE. The rich pay more, the poor pay the least in taxes. Insurance companies dictating what care you will receive must stop, this should be the doctors decision. Why does it cost $120 for a special inhaler Rx in the USA, and 5 cents in Cuba. In Britain, most any Rx is about $10. Our society/government has demoralized, and frightened it's middle to lower class into a "just pay the bill, and hope for the best" attitude. Don't stand up at work, cause any problems, because you may get fired and loose your health insurance. Maybe many people would not need anti-depression drugs and the like, if we did not have such astronomical worries. Americans live several years shorter, than Canadians, Cubans, Britain's, & French. The doctors live comfortably in these countries with UHC. In France, the more patients Doctors help to quit smoking, the more money the doctors make! The time for UHC is now. The insurance companies and drug manufacturers are paying big money to political candidate's campaigns to keep them quiet. Write to your representatives, senators, governors, congressmen now. Watch the movie Sicko, and start asking questions.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Clue, Get One?
I see a lot of strange behavior while shopping at Walmart, and by that I mean strange to me only (I think). I was heading down an aisle on the right side, and a man with his cart was stopped, headed in my direction, on the right picking out an item. His son, about 10 or 12 years old, pulled up beside him and stopped. This kid saw me coming, and I stopped, waited, and waited, while this kid just looked around, at me, and his brain didn’t even register that he just blocked the aisle completely. Maybe he thought I was just a store display that walked, I don’t know. So I just waited to see what would happen, and finally the Father noticed and told his son to back up and stay behind him. It almost seems that children often are not taught common sense, and don’t have a clue of what’s going on around them. This unfortunate behavior has worked its way up into adults. My wife was at a somewhat fancy restaurant the other day, and there was a child, jumping on the bench, and the mother did nothing, I mean lady; get a clue. This isn’t McDonalds, and even if it were, is this OK? My mother would have grabbed my hand and yanked me down, and said “sit down, and keep your feet off the seat; people sit on this you know”. Several months ago, my wife and I were at a Chinese Buffet, and a mother and 7 year old daughter were there. The mother was on the phone the entire time, talking loudly I might add. Several people including my wife said something to her about it, and were answered back with “you’re only saying this because I’m Puerto Rican”! Which was not the case; she was not only loud, but saying words that should not be said in public, let alone in front of this little girl. This little girl at one point said “I want to talk to YOU Mommy”, but she was ignored. How sad.
Ellen DeGeneres was on an HBO special (from 2003); she was talking about her phones “call waiting” feature. This is how you find out who your friends really are. If you are on a call, your friend says, “I’ve got another call, I’ll be right back”, and when your friend comes back and says “I’ve got to go”, that’s when you know they just told the other caller “Let me get rid of the other person”. At least I can say I have turned off this feature, if someone else calls, they get a busy signal, and can call back later. “Call Waiting” should be called “Call Rude”. “Oh, hang on ‘friend’, someone more important may be trying to call me”.
I had a telemarketer calling me for two weeks, several times a day; every time I answered the phone, no one was on the other end. I finally called back, and firmly told the person to put me on the do not call list, and do not call here again. He replied “I’ll do it if you ask me, and not tell me”. Now I am beyond irritated, now I’m just plain mad. It is my phone, not theirs. Plus the fact I’ve been on the ‘do not call list’ for years, so they are using an illegal list. After several more requests, and 3 complaints to the ‘do not call list’ registry, they finally stopped calling. I try to be civil about these things. If they just were on the phone when I picked up, I would have just said do not call here again, and be done with it. But after 30 calls and being hung up on; was I justified in being irritated? Was I the only person they called and had this problem with? I think not.
What happened to respect, patience, and kindness toward others? Writing this blog; I hope to find the answer and a cure one day. My main fear is the cure may be for me only, and that’s to just stop caring about it all. Maybe we need to force people to watch re-runs of “Leave it to Beaver”, and “Davey & Goliath”. These shows may be a little corny by today’s standards, but the message within them is valuable.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Manners Disease
Manners Disease is spreading in amongst us. Has it got a hold of you? Is it knocking at your door? At the movie theater the other night, a family with a couple of children, thought it was OK to use their kids to get what they wanted. My wife and I were first in line to enter the movie theater. This other family was right behind us. When the rope came down, we started walking, the father, wife, and kids ran around us like 2 year-olds to get in first to choose their seats. Since they were second in line, I don't think there was any chance what so ever, that they would have got bad seats. They forced their way in, my wife said something to them about it, and the father said "so you're upset because my kids are more agile than you, you used your position to block us from getting in". So I suppose if this family was last in line, the entire line of people waiting were 'blocking' them from getting in. What did these parents teach their children that evening? It's really sad. When I was a child, my parents would never have allowed this to happen, and if us kids did do such a thing, we would have been reprimanded on the spot, and instructed to apologize right away.
I've been at the grocery store, briefly looking at something and people come by and will not even wait 2 seconds for me to finish, they say "excuse me", I say "what"?. They say "I need to get something", I say "so do I, maybe you can wait 2 seconds for me to finish". I don't think I'm being rude, I'm even being more courteous than they were to me just now. If I come upon someone in front of something I need to buy, I just wait for them to finish. They were shopping, just like me. I was even asked to step aside at the grocery store by an adult clerk, I thought he needed to get something for a customer, after I moved aside, he started straightening the shelves! I said, "Hello, I'm a customer shopping", "can you step aside now so I can finish"? This was nothing short of unbelievable.
The unfortunate thing about this type of behavior is the good people reach their breaking point, and give up. Then they start acting just like the people they were upset by in the first place.
It almost seems that each person thinks they are more important than everyone else, this must be an impossibility. Someone has to be more important than another, wouldn't you say. The answer if very simple. The person who is more important than yourself, is everyone else.
Poor behavior, and bad manners, is a disease. This disease is spreading, and it' up to you to stop it. Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" song lyric: "take a look at yourself, and make that change". Laurie Anderson's "Ramon" song lyric: "if you see man who is broken, pick him up and carry him, and if you see a woman who's broken, put her all in to your arms".
I read Ms. Manners and Dear Abby, and I'm often surprised at the questions people actually had to write in to these columns for an answer. I can't believe they have to ask this question about right and wrong. These questions usually have the writing between the lines of ME ME ME, if you catch my drift. But I now realize that they were brought up this way, and really have no idea of the proper answer, they have no social foundation instilled in them from their parents, to make a good decision. Can we help these people? I don't know, we can try. If you ever get a chance to watch one of the nanny shows like Nanny 911, or Supernanny, give them try. These parents always call the show, they need help with their children who are out of control. By the end of the show, it's always the parents who really need the help.
It also seems that when you do see someone do something wrong, and you call them on it; 9 times out of 10, you'll be hit with a tirade of words (or something more physical). Basically saying 'how dare you question me'. So more often than not, I say nothing, and this person goes on being a poor example of the human race. It's really sad, but I will keep searching for the answer.
Manners Disease: cure is so simple, no pill needed. Just needs a few seconds of the brain.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Virginia Drivers don't drive, they aim!
They other day, a former Navy Seal died while riding his bicycle on Shore Drive in Virginia Beach. So I had to write something about the drivers here. The roads would be safer in general if people tried just DRIVING THE CAR, like their supposed to. I moved here from Boston, I've never seen such a disregard for others (in a car, or on a bike) as I have in Virginia/Hampton Roads area. 100 times worse in VA than Boston. More and more drivers have no respect for anyone but themselves. They think it's ok to drive on the wrong side of the road while making a left turn, then are surprised another car is coming the other way, like whaaaaat, another car on the road besides me? Blatantly forcing their way into traffic like their are the only ones trying to get some where. Pulling out in front of the other drivers and not stepping on the gas, forcing the person they pulled out in front of to firmly brake, if you can't pull out and GO, maybe you should wait. I love the ones who pull into traffic on a 2-lane road right beside you, then put their signal on because they now want me to brake and let them in, I don't think so, if you just waited 3 seconds, you could have got in this lane in the first place, and not involved anyone else. Bicycle riders know this one: A car passes you, then brakes and turns right, right in front of you, very dangerous, and the cyclist will always lose this encounter.
But I guess it's OK in our society to do other things while driving, I mean why not talk on the phone, text, play with the kids in back seat, fumble for things, conduct business, put on lipstick, reading books, shaving, or just stop in the middle of the road to drop someone off. I've seen all these things. Then the person kills someone and cries, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do it"! Well, did you take ANY precautions? I have no remorse for these people. If you were focused on the road, maybe it wouldn't have happened. Accidents do happen, if you were focused on driving, and had an accident, I would offer my sympathy toward your misfortune. Just remember, you may be driving a car, but others are also, and there are others using the roads, not in a car. Just focus on driving the vehicle, driving properly, being respectful of others, and there will be a lot less tragedy on the road. I'm not saying the driver who killed this person was doing any of these things, but often times they were. Don't be that person. Pre-ACT, don't re-ACT, re-ACT is often too little, too late.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How do you think?

How do you look at a glass with water in it? I'm not a pessimist, or an optimist, I'm an "Other".
Pessimist: Glass is half empty.
Optimist: Glass is half full.
Other: Thinks there is twice at much glass than water.
I'm an "Other", thinking outside the box. Always look at the whole picture, and try to know all the facts for a better understanding.
Case in point: I read once that one of those college studies stated that; based on the fact that the sale of Oven cleaners have declined over the years, their conclusion was that people don't clean there ovens like they used to, and that peoples ovens are dirtier than they used to be.
Well, if you know that most all ovens sold now are self cleaning, continuous clean types, why would people need oven cleaner anymore.
This is a good example of knowing all the facts, not just what one person, or group, presents to you.
Question everything you encounter.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Who's eating after you?
All you can eat buffett suggestion: Please place serving tools so that the handle is not touching the food. May keep others from getting sick. Also, after handling serving tools, do not touch food with your bare hands unless you've washed them, or bring handi wipes with you. I've been sick from not doing so, missed out on life, and probably made others sick also. I've seen many people just serve themselves, and drop the entire spoon/tongs in the food, these were placed there for everyone to use. Think sanitary. Keep yourself, and others healthy.
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